Julian Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Bonjour Je rencontre un soucis chez un client qui à Outlook 2003. Certains mails qu'il reçoit sont illisible, ce problème est apparu depuis que je lui ai transféré (en copiant le fichier pst) ses mails/contact de l'ancien pc (windows xp) vers le nouveau pc (windows 8.1). Pour vous donner un aperçu ça donne ça : --------------------------- X-TMN: [T0brKyWUCExQxmwQ4vy7sJoTCYyNXjLw] Subject: FW: TR: Test Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 08:56:05 +0100 Importance: Normal MIME-Version: 1.0 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 27 Nov 2015 07:56:05.0407 (UTC) FILETIME=[115A32F0:01D128E9] X-sfr-mailing: LEGIT X-sfr-spam: not-spam X-sfr-spamrating: 46.000000 X-sfr-spamcause: OK, (30)(0000)gggruggvucftvghtrhhoucdtuddrfeekhedrkedugdduvddtucetufdoteggodetrf dotffvucfrrhhofhhilhgvmecuuffhtffirfdpvehhvggtkhevgfenuceurghilhhouhhtmecufe dttdenuchmihhsshhinhhgucfvqfcufhhivghlugculdeftddmnecujfgurhepkfgthffuffgkjg hfggeusegrtderredttdehnecuhfhrohhmpehvihhvihgrnhcughhilhgrsggvrhhtuceovhhivh hirghnghhilhgrsggvrhhtsehhohhtmhgrihhlrdhfrheqnecuffhomhgrihhnpegrvhgrshhtrd gtohhmpdgsvhholhhtrghirhgvrdhfrhenucfrrghrrghmpehhvghlohepffgfuedttdegqdfqof evgefuudehrdhhohhtmhgrihhlrdgtohhmpdhinhgvthepudehjedrheehrddvrdeltddpmhgrih hlfhhrohhmpehvihhvihgrnhhgihhlrggsvghrtheshhhothhmrghilhdrfhhrpdhrtghpthhtoh epghgvohhrghgvshdrvhgruggvlhhlsehsfhhrrdhfrhdprhgtphhtthhopehjtghpihgtohessh hfrhdrfhhrpdhrtghpthhtohepjhgvrghnlhhouhhishdrtggrshgvnhhovhgvsehsfhhrrdhfrh dprhgtphhtthhopehnihgtohhlvgdruggvlhgrihhrvgesshhfrhdrfhhrpdhrtghpthhtohephi hvohhnrdhpohhnshesshhfrhdrfhhr Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=_34ce3927-76b4-4345-8523-8ad89c7ed56b_ To: undisclosed-recipients:; --_34ce3927-76b4-4345-8523-8ad89c7ed56b_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =20 Date: Thu=2C 26 Nov 2015 =0A= =0A= =0A= jo F =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= ----------------------------- En revanche si moi j’envoie un mail au client il peut le lire sans problème, mais quand certains de leur contact lui envoie un mail ça donne l'aperçu ci-dessus, à savoir aussi qu'un contact à réussi à lui envoyer un mail lisible mais un jour après le même contact envoie un mail illisible. Quand on regarde dans le contenu du mail, on voit apparaitre MIME, j'ai testé plusieurs choses dans les options de Outlook et j'ai également testé Unicode utf8 car de base il était sur "occidental" mais ça donne rien. Si vous avez déjà eu affaire à ça n'hésitez pas Merci Bonne journée Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Pyrithe Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Salut! Je ne suis pas un spécialiste de la messagerie du tout. Mais perso, j'essayerais de réparer le pst à l'aide de scanpst.exe C'est d'abord là dedans que tes mails sont physiquement stockés, et donc si ce fichier est corrompu, il en découle un grand nombre de problèmes. Test ça, et reviens vers nous. Peut être que d'ici là, notre spécialiste ès Office @patricia aura une solution plus adaptée... :D Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Julian Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Auteur Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Salut Pyrithe, Merci pour l'info J'ai lancé une réparation via scanpst.exe, il a en effet détecté des erreurs qu'il à "apparemment" réparé (message de confirmation "boite mail réparée"). Mais je pense qu'on aura le verdict que lorsqu'il recevra un nouveau mail, les anciens étant illisble et le resteront à mon avis. Je vous met le rapport ci-joint : ---------------------------------- Microsoft (R) Inbox Repair Tool Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1995-1996. All rights reserved. **Beginning NDB recovery **Attempting to open database **Attempting to validate header **Attempting to validate AMap **Attempting to validate BBT **Attempting to validate NBT **Attempting to validate BBT refcounts ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35B88F0) ??BBT entry (35B88F8) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??BBT entry (35B8950) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35B8958) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35B895E) ??BBT entry (35B8EF8) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CC6A4) ??BBT entry (35CC6AC) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??BBT entry (35CC6C2) has different refcount in RBT (4 vs 3) ??BBT entry (35CC6F8) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CC700) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CC706) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CCDA0) ??BBT entry (35CCDAA) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??BBT entry (35CCDFE) has different refcount in RBT (4 vs 3) ??BBT entry (35CCE30) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CCE38) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CCE3E) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF7A0) ??BBT entry (35CF7AA) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF818) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF822) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF824) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF828) ??BBT entry (35CF868) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF870) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35CF876) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D116C) ??BBT entry (35D1176) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D11E8) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D11F2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D11F4) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D11F8) ??BBT entry (35D123C) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D1244) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D124A) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3C74) ??BBT entry (35D3C7E) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3D1C) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3D26) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3D28) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3D2C) ??BBT entry (35D3D70) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3D78) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D3D7E) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D8C50) ??BBT entry (35D8C58) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D8C5E) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35D8C78) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35DFBE8) ??BBT entry (35DFBF0) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35DFC2E) ??BBT entry (35DFC3A) has different refcount in RBT (4 vs 3) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35DFC48) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35E0DE0) ??BBT entry (35E0DEA) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??BBT entry (35E0E16) has different refcount in RBT (4 vs 3) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35E0E4E) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35E0E60) ??BBT entry (35E1E44) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??BBT entry (35E1E48) has different refcount in RBT (3 vs 2) ??Couldn't find BBT entry in the RBT (35E1E4E) **Attempting to validate header NID high-water marks **Beginning PST/OST recovery **Attempting to recover all top-level objects !!TC (nid=60E) missing required column (10970003) !!Folder invalid high-water-mark (nidi=C8C7, nidiHigh=CC86) !!Search folder invalid high-water-mark (nidi=C96C, nidiHigh=CB82) **Attempting to walk all folders !!TC (nid=12E) missing required column (10970003) !!Hierarchy Table for 122, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 6, RowID = 2223 !!TC (nid=806E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=80EE) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=810E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=812E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=814E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=816E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=818E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=81AE) missing required column (10970003) !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 71, RowID = 206084 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 69, RowID = 206004 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 68, RowID = 205124 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 67, RowID = 205144 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 65, RowID = 204C04 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 52, RowID = 21A0E4 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 25, RowID = 218604 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 24, RowID = 21A8E4 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 21, RowID = 21D864 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 20, RowID = 2291A4 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 17, RowID = 228B44 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 15, RowID = 21E304 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 13, RowID = 21E3E4 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 9, RowID = 21F084 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 8, RowID = 21F064 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 7, RowID = 220FA4 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 6, RowID = 228B64 !!Contents Table for 8202, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 5, RowID = 21F044 !!Contents Table for 8262, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 1, RowID = 20FC04 !!Contents Table for 8262, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 0, RowID = 201684 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 15, RowID = 2245E4 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 14, RowID = 224664 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 13, RowID = 210C44 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 11, RowID = 224B44 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 10, RowID = 218004 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 9, RowID = 227B04 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 7, RowID = 214724 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 6, RowID = 227B24 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 5, RowID = 223FC4 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 4, RowID = 21E944 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 3, RowID = 21B644 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 2, RowID = 223FA4 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 1, RowID = 213844 !!Contents Table for 8282, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 0, RowID = 213C84 !!Contents Table for 82A2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 0, RowID = 2017A4 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 23, RowID = 226E44 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 21, RowID = 223F44 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 18, RowID = 223B44 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 17, RowID = 223144 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 16, RowID = 223104 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 13, RowID = 2185E4 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 11, RowID = 21A224 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 10, RowID = 2178A4 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 9, RowID = 217364 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 8, RowID = 217624 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 5, RowID = 201884 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 4, RowID = 222D64 !!Contents Table for 82C2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 2, RowID = 222EC4 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 38, RowID = 229464 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 37, RowID = 229304 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 36, RowID = 2292E4 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 35, RowID = 229184 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 34, RowID = 229164 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 33, RowID = 216284 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 29, RowID = 229484 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 23, RowID = 21B4A4 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 14, RowID = 201DE4 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 13, RowID = 21DF84 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 12, RowID = 216384 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 10, RowID = 216744 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 9, RowID = 216364 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 4, RowID = 21AEE4 !!Contents Table for 8302, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 1, RowID = 21B104 !!TC (nid=836E) missing required column (10970003) !!Contents Table for 1544E2, row doesn't match sub-object: irow = 0, RowID = 212044 !!TC (nid=16E0CE) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=16E0EE) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=183B4E) missing required column (10970003) !!TC (nid=183B6E) missing required column (10970003) **Attempting to locate any orphaned folders/messages **Attempting to check top-level objects for consistency ??Deleting SDO **Updating folder hierarchy **Attempting to fix original file **Attempting to copy back BBT **Attempting to copy back NBT ---------------------------------------------- Merci Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Pyrithe Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Oui, enfin après, c'est quand même facile d'essayer d'envoyer un mail avec 2 ou 3 adresses différentes pour tester! ;) Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Julian Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Auteur Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 C'est ça le problème, quand je lui envoie des mails avec mes adresses différentes ça fonctionne sans problème, donc je peux pas tester moi même, obligé d'attendre qu'un de ses contact lui en envoie un Et en plus parfois le mail (d'un de ses contacts) peut être lisible et illisible alors que c'était le même contact qui lui a envoyé, on dirait que ça dépend du contenu que le contact envoie apparemment. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Pyrithe Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 C'est quand même bizarre ça... Tiens nous au courant en tous cas! Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Julian Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Auteur Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Oui là je suis tombé sur quelque chose de bizarre ^^ J'ai demandé au client quand même qu'il demande à un de ses contacts de m'envoyer un nouveau mail type (illisible) sur ma boite mail pour voir le résultat chez moi, on sait jamais. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
patricia Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Signaler Share Posté(e) 27 novembre 2015 Essaye ceci : https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/kb/951982 Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Julian Posté(e) 28 novembre 2015 Auteur Signaler Share Posté(e) 28 novembre 2015 Merci Patricia, j'essaye ça et je vous tiens au courant lundi ! Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Julian Posté(e) 1 décembre 2015 Auteur Signaler Share Posté(e) 1 décembre 2015 J'ai pu testé sur le pc du client aujourd'hui et la mise à jour n'a pas pu se faire, au moment ou j'ai lancé le patch ça me dit qu'il n'est pas compatible avec la version d'office 2003 qui est installé ou alors il ne trouve pas le programme. Du coup j'ai tenté de recréer un fichier de données outlook et j'ai sélectionné fichier de données au lieu de fichier de données 97/2002, j'ai vu que le unicode était présent seulement sur le 1er. J'attends que le client reçoivent d'autres mails et qu'il m'en envoies pour avoir le verdict. Si vous avez d'autres astuces n'hésitez pas Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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